NXT Software Support

Mindstorm NXT Software Download:

NXT 1.0 (1) / NXT 1.0 (2)

NXT 2.0 (1) / NXT 2.0 (2)

If you are using MAC OS X Lion or Mountain Lion and your Mindstorm software isn’t working on it. Follow the directions below:

Instructions for NXT 1.0 and NXT 2.0:

1. Download NXT 1.0 and NXT 2.0

2. Once it is downloaded, click on finder and navigate to downloads.

3. Double click on “mindstormnxt.cdr”.

4. Click on finder click on “Mindstorm NXT” on the navigation bar.

5. Click on “LEGOMindstormsEngRet.mpkg” follow the install instructions and restart your computer.

6. Once restarted, click on finder. Click on Applications on the navigation bar.

7. Right click on the folder Lego Mindstorm NXT and click get info. Then add 1.0 after the NXT.

8. Go back to finder, and go to the downloads folder.

9. Double click on “mindstormnxt2.0.cdr”.

10. Click on finder click on “Mindstorm NXT” on the navigation bar.

11. Click on “LEGOMindstormsEngRet.mpkg” follow the install instructions and restart your computer.

12. Once restarted, click on finder. Click on Applications on the navigation bar.

13. There will be a folder called Mindstorm NXT click on it.

14. You will see an application called Mindstorm NXT.

15. Open Mindstorm NXT.

16. You have successfully and installed and launched Mindstorm NXT.


Update– Lego has discontinued the NXT product line, you can download the last Firmware, Bonus Models, and NXT-G here: (ZIP File) Download 1 / Download 2